Monsoon Socks Finished

I’ve managed to get a couple of things finished around here. The Ribby Cardi was finished last weekend and worn this week. I’ve got to get a good photo taken and then I will share more. I also managed to finish my brother’s socks, made using the Monsoon Colorway of the Rockin’ Sock Club kit from the spring. I just didn’t like the original pattern with that yarn. I felt the design wouldn’t show up well. And honestly, I had no desire to try to knit mediumweight STR with 2.0mm needles. Can we say ‘serious hand strain’? Anyway, I used this simple pattern from Sensational Knitted Socks, the Beaded Rib, to make these socks. They came out great, if I do say so myself.

Monsoon Socks

I’ve also scrapped my original plan for my Hogwarts Sock Swap II two partner’s socks, and am starting over. I like the new design much better, but since it’s a surprise and she reads my blog, no posts until they’re in her hands (Hi Petunia!).

This weekend was the HeidelbergFest downtown. This is Heidelberg’s version of Oktoberfest, a one-day event with good food and lots of things to see and buy. I’ve included a few images I took.

Heidelberg Fest 2

There’s a group that comes in Renaissance period costume and puts on performances as well as selling food and period items. Let me tell you, that food is GOOD! I didn’t eat any of the guy you see on the spit, though.

Heidelberg Fest 3
There were animal skins in the process of being treated at one of the booths.

Mmmm, Good
And other really tasty treats. These are delicious. Kartofelpuffer (? on the spelling) are tasty fried potato cakes. I had mine with some applesauce.

This festival is one of the highlights of my time here. And in December, be on the lookout for photos of the Christmas version.

The Return of the Ribby Cardi


I’ve been trying to reduce my UFO pile lately. I’ve frogged one project (the Summertime Tunic, IK Summer 2007) due to apathy and boredom. Namely, all that stockinette is fairly quick but totally uninteresting. Plus, it’s time for some fall/winter projects. With that in mind, I’ve pulled out my oldest knitting UFO. The Ribby Cardi. I started this project back in February, I think? I got the left front and the back done before starting on the sleeves. I wanted to get something to help me with keeping track of all the rows, since this requires you to increase regularly. By the time my row counter bracelet had arrived, I’d lost interest in working on those sleeves. (Very pretty and useful, btw. From Crimson Orchid)

And, it was my first time trying to do the 2 on one circular thing. Anyway, I’ve resurrected the project. I’ve been working on the sleeves a little bit at a time over the weekend, and things are going well. Once the sleeves are done, I will begin the right front and hopefully get the thing finished in the next month or so. Ravelry has really given me the motivation to finish some of the things I have in progress. I’m jealous of all those people who’ve managed to finish projects that I’m still working on. Plus, seeing that they can do it makes me think I can eventually get to wear my knitted goods too.

And, I have another, more complicated sweater in mind to work on next. More on that later.

Done! Flower Power Socks


I managed to get the pair done, kitchenering (is that a word?) the toes tonight. Unfortunately for my little cousin, her feet are not so little! Her shoe size matches her age, apparently, at a size 10. That means that these will be going to some other lucky person when I get home. They should fit my mom or my sister well. There just the littlest bit too small for me to keep. And the best part is, there’s enough yarn left over for an iPod cozy! I’ve been yearning to make one of these for a little while now. It’ll be a great quick and mindless knitting project for tomorrow.

Then, it’s all Hogwart’s Sock Swap 2 socks all the time until those are done (I started them last week). The yarn is great and the pattern interesting, so hopefully I won’t even notice the time passing. I’m trying to finish all of my UFOs before I cast on for a new project. The casting on is my motiviation to finish. And, the Secret of the Stole knitalong begins on October 5th, so I have until then to get everything done.

Off to finish another project!

Ravelry Yarn & Fiber Swap Goodies!


My goodies came from my Ravelry Yarn & Fiber Swap Partner today! So exciting, and so FAST! I couldn’t believe it. Nancy put the box in the mail last Thursday and I got it within the week! There was some great Grafton Fibers Roving in a gorgeous red, some BFL that Nancy dyed herself, and Kaffe Fassett Regia sock yarn. There was also a box of cookies that I intend to eat with my wonderful tea that she sent. And in addition she threw in some soap and a metal light bulb ring from Crabtree & Evelyn.

I love it all! Thanks Nancy!

Photo Fun

Well, I wanted to share some photos of recently started projects and some new yarn I’ve gotten. I’ve been experimenting/learning with my dSLR. I’ve got a Nikon D40 and wow, that thing takes beautiful photos all by itself. Photography has always been one of my passions, and this camera is helping me to expand my horizons. I’ve wanted a dSLR for quite awhile (read 4yrs) and now I’ve got one. This means that I plan to do some traveling so that I can have more places to photograph. And of course, yarn, fiber, and knitting will get their fair share too. So, my first yarn contribution with this camera is some All Things Heather Alpaca Lace Yarn in Charcoal that I picked up from The Loopy Ewe. Since I was buying gifts for my Secret Pal and my Ravelry Yarn and Fiber Swap partner, I had to pick up something for myself too. Alpaca is soooo soft. And pretty, as you can see. I have to pick the right project for this yarn. I’m leaning toward the Hanami Stole, but I’m worried about running out before the end.


I also got my Rockin’ Sock Club Kit this week. I’m usually one of the last to recieve mine, so I saw spoilers on the web before it got here. They didn’t do this yarn justice, and I love the pattern for the socks. I wound this up and cast on right away. The cuff was blocking within the hour and I started on the leg of the sock the next day. I hope to have at least the first sock done by the end of the weekend. They’re really cute, and will be a perfect Xmas gift for my 10yr -old cousin.


All in all, a good week.